09-01-2021 Energy Healing 101

We can all be healers just with our intention and using a little energy.  There is energy around us.  When I was a kid, my mom taught us how to create little energy balls just holding your hands near each other as if there’s an invisible ball between your hands and gently or even quickly moving them back and forth until you could feel that energy.  This little exercise helps people recognize the energy field around us and is an important part of the exercise called Qigong (pronounced chi gong.  Qigong is all about working with and guiding the flow of the energy field. 

When doing energy work, you work with the energy field sending it to a person, animal, or thing.  We’re not really the ones doing any of the healing at all.  It’s an offering which allows the other person to take that energy and use it utilizing the bodies own intelligence to help themselves to heal.  Sometimes a little more is needed than simply sending energy such as for clearing blockages where energy has become stuck.  That’s where an experienced practitioner who is sensitive to energy and recognizes what may be happening in someone’s body like too much here, not enough there, or negative energies that have become attached that need to be removed can be extremely valuable. 

You may be surprised with what you can feel with your own hands.  Why not give it a try!

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