06-27-2021 Message From a Moth

I wanted to share with you the message I received from nature.  I was outside watering a rose bush and a moth flew out and landed on my pant leg.  It was odd because it wasn’t just still on my pant leg, it’s little wings were fluttering while it’s body was very still with it’s head looking up toward me.  It looked like it’s tiny mouth was trying to give me a message.

Later in the day when I had a moment, I looked in my Spirit Animal Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid to find out the significance of the moth.  It warned me that I may be too compulsive with something and need to let ease up.

There are a couple of things I’ve been a little compulsive about lately, but one of those things is my bedtime.  I’ve been trying to make sure I have the lights out by 10 pm since I’ve learned how this aids in a better night sleep because the body starts heating up around 10.  So that night I decided to loosen up a bit after the moth message, and it’s a good thing I did.  We went for an evening walk and ended up at the Centrum where music was playing.  They were going to be releasing the fireworks soon for the Utah Summer Games.  Without the moth message, I probably would have ruined the fun we had insisting on turning back so I could get to bed in time for my self prescribed bedtime deadline.  Instead, we stayed and enjoyed the fireworks and had a lovely time laughing and enjoying each other on our walk home. 

We got home at 10:30 pm, but it was all okay.  It was nice to relax and go with the flow.  So, little moth, wherever you are, THANK YOU! 

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